1 ½ cups diced onions (2-3 small)
1 cup diced carrots (5 carrots)
1 cup thinly sliced celery (5 large stalks celery
1-2 cloves garlic (optional)
3 cups mushrooms – can mix varieties
To save time, I usually go to Trader Joes and buy 1 package of sliced crimini mushrooms, one package of sliced white mushrooms and one package of shitake (which you will have to slice yourself.)
2 quarts organic broth – chicken, vegetarian – to your taste
1 cup barley
1 bunch kale or green chard or a combination.  (Red chard will make everything red so I don’t use it here for esthetic reasons.)
1 fresh lemon
Salt, pepper

Sauté onions, carrots, celery and garlic on medium heat in a little olive oil until onions are transparent and all are softened and then place in a large pot.

Sauté mushrooms in a little olive oil over medium high heat, until softened .  When they start to brown, take them off the heat. It’s good if you stop cooking them before all the mushroom liquid has evaporated.  Add mushrooms and liquid to soup pot.

Put about a cup of barley into the soup pot and add 2 quarts of organic broth.  Bring to a boil and then simmer for as long as you need to soften the barley – usually about an hour.  (Taste.)

Take kale or combine kale with other greens, like chard, and trim so that you cut out the tough central part of the leaf.  Slice into 1” strips. Add to cooked soup.  As soon as greens have wilted, taste soup and add salt, pepper and lemon juice to taste.  Add the seasoning a little at a time.  You might also need to add a bit of water because the soup gets so thick, with the barley soaking up much of the soup.  

This will serve about 6 hungry people and you will probably have some left over.  It keeps in the fridge for about 3-4 days, or you can freeze in small portions for another meal.  Enjoy
Chicken with honey mustard sauce.
Granny's cheesecake.
Green Enchiladas.
Sharon's brisket.
Cranberry Chutney.
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